Better Buy The Minit and Morgan Ratkowski are the world champions for the third year in a row.
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Winner Stats

Horse Name: Better Buy The Minit Pedigree: 2005 bay gelding (Do You Have A Minute-Tickle My Asset by Investment Asset) Breeder: Kramer/Davis of Reddick, Florida Owner: Morgan Ratkowski of Pleasant View, Tennessee Exhibitor: Morgan Ratkowski Total Class Entries: 15 World Champion Prizes: Custom-designed gold trophy, World champion buckle, champion neck wreath, 100 pounds of Nutrena feed, world champion patch Reserve World Champion: Un Forgettab Lee and Sara Poppleton of Largo, Florida Third Place: Sleepin N My Blumers and Sara Eveleigh of Pulaski, New York Fourth Place: Living In Stilettos and Whitney Fouts of LaCygne, Kansas Fifth Place: Every Once In Awhile and Cindy Triscari of Waukesha, Wisconsin Sixth Place: DGS Indygized and Kiley Sotomayor of Liverpool, New York Seventh Place: AE Hot N Sonny and Peter Sloane of New York, New York Eighth Place: Invest My Way and Taylor Dahl of Clarksville, Tennessee Ninth Place: Classic Hot Jazz and Jaime Wilson of Edmond, Oklahoma Tenth Place: Last Hawliday and Elaine Haw of Collierville, Tennessee