Amateur Horsemanship

Amateur Horsemanship

Extremely Good Stuff and Lauren Stanley earn a world championship in amateur horsemanship.
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Winner Stats

Horse Name: Extremely Good Stuff Pedigree: 2013 red roan gelding (Extremely Hot Chips-Shes Got The Goodstuf by Zippos Mr Good Bar) Breeder: Brad and Corrine Borton of Bridgeton, New Jersey Owner: Jeff and Garrett Crivelli of Visalia, California Exhibitor: Lauren Stanley of Visalia, California Total Class Entries: 48 World Champion Prizes: Custom-designed gold trophy, world champion buckle, champion neck wreath, 100 pounds of Nutrena feed and a world champion patch Reserve World Champion: Moonlite Madnez and Natalia Devencenty of Pueblo, Colorado Third Place: Lethals Hot Weapon and Carey Nowacek of San Antonio, Texas Fourth Place: Moonlightin and Maria Salazar of Portland, Oregon Fifth Place: Beez In The Trap and Deanna Green of Ocala, Florida Sixth Place: The Best Of All and Hayley Riddle of Gainesville, Texas Seventh Place: A Soxy Dream and Angela Wade of Wellington, Florida Eighth Place: Always Lopin Sober and Katie Grossnickle of Maple City, Michigan Ninth Place: Southwestern Gunman and Whitney Vicars of Cleburne, Texas Tenth Place: Version Of Goodbar and Sarah Lebsock of Hilliard, Ohio