Reading Room and Museum Library

Reading Room and Museum Library

Thousands of items of Quarter Horse history are archived at the library.

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Designed to share the rich history of the American Quarter Horse and the people who made them great, the Reading Room is a tranquil place made available to Museum visitors upon request. Here, an individual or small group can sit and read comfortably in an elegant, western atmosphere.

Staff are available to help locate relevant collections and materials, or to direct your question to the appropriate department. To view museum library or archives, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.

Museum Library

Thanks to the generosity of Margaret Haines from Morrison, Illinois, the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum provides hundreds of collected books for visitors' enjoyment and learning. These books, some of which are rare, include stories spanning subjects such as the settlement of the western frontier, cowboys, American Indians and their horses. The Reading Room also provides a collection of American Quarter Horse Stud Books and bound copies of The American Quarter Horse JournalThe Quarter Racing Journal and America's Horse. Please inquire at the front desk about spending time in the Reading Room.

The Museum library is a comprehensive collection devoted to the American Quarter Horse and the American Quarter Horse Association. The non circulating collection documents the history of the breed and Association, the first 5,000 AQHA registrations, and other ephemera documenting the origination of the American Quarter Horse.

The library's holdings include approximately 5,000 books, 10,000 periodicals including issues of the Quarter Horse Journal, the Quarter Racing Journal and America's Horse, thousands of sale catalogs and 40,000 other films, announcements and photographs.

Museum Archives

The museum archives were established in 1989 to collect, organize, preserve and make accessible documentation concerning the American Quarter Horse's historical and cultural role in the development of the nation and the American Quarter Horse Association. The archives serve as primary source material concerning many aspects of the breed, including private archives that may be the papers of early owners and breeders.

The museum archives is a secure, climate controlled location upholding conservation standards.

The Archives serves outside researchers as well as Museum and Association staff. Certain archival records have been converted to digital files which make them available internationally.

Have objects that you would like the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum to consider for donation or a loan to the museum archives? Please check out the Object Donation/Loan FAQs before filling out a form here

Research Materials

Research hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by appointment only. The collections and archives are closed weekdays between noon and 1:00 p.m., weekends, holidays and during exhibition installation periods. To request research materials, please contact us at 806-376-5181 or email Please contact us to learn more about research requests and copy requests and their associated fees.


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