Veterinary Continuing Education

Veterinary Continuing Education

Regulatory veterinarians and horse racing regulators are invited to RMTC continuing education event.

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The Racing Medication and Testing Consortium’s annual live, in-person veterinary continuing education event will return March 18 – 19, 2024, at Santa Anita Park, in Arcadia, California. The 2024 theme is ‘UPPING THE GAME- Enhanced Safety and Integrity Initiatives’, and this event will offer 16 hours of continuing education credit (approval pending by AAVSB RACE program).
In addition…2024 LIVE Webinar Series:
The RegVet CE 2024 program will continue with the LIVE Webinar Series.  This course offers nine biweekly live webinars that will present new topics related to this year’s theme. This series provides up to an additional 18 hours of CE credit (approval pending by AAVSB RACE program). 
…and more! RegVet CE 2024 On-Demand:
The entire LIVE Webinar Series will be recorded and uploaded to the RegVet CE 2024: On-Demand website.  All On-Demand courses will be available 1-2 weeks following each live webinar date.  Access to RegVet CE 2024: On-Demand is included with the registration fee for the live Webinar Series.
Registration will open in January 2024. Complete RegVet CE 2023 Fees, Agendas, and Schedule coming soon to the RMTC website!

Now in its 7th year, RegVet CE is the RMTC’s annual continuing education offering with educational content directed at the specialized needs of racing regulatory veterinarians. RegVet CE has gained international recognition for its quality and content, attracting registrants from 5 continents. We look forward to seeing you there!

For further questions, contact Dianne Oakes -

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