Breeder Recognition Banquet

The 2024 50- and 75-year breeders will be recognized at the AQHA Breeder Recognition Banquet presented by Teton Ridge, slated to be hosted during the 2025 AQHA Convention.

A group of people take a photo on a stage.

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Each year, AQHA honors breeders who have dedicated their livelihoods to maintaining the integrity of the American Quarter Horse breed. These horsemen, horsewomen and their families see their biggest accomplishments and proudest moments in the horses they breed.

This year, the honorees include 11 50-year legacy breeders, 19 50-year cumulative breeders and two 75-year breeders, American Performance Horseman Breeders, Top Money-Earning Ranching Heritage Breeder of the Year, AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder of the Year and the AQHA Best Remuda award winner.  Legacy breeders are those who have registered at least one foal consecutively for the total years of the award. Cumulative breeders are those who have registered at least one foal cumulatively for the total years of the award.

2025 AQHA Breeder Recognition Banquet presented by Teton Ridge

Join us March 30 at 6 p.m. during the 2025 AQHA Convention at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas as we recognize the following breeders. 

An email with more information was sent directly to each breeder. If you have questions or did not receive your email as an honoree, email


Breeders to be Honored in 2025

50-Year Legacy Breeders

Bullard Farms of Weatherford, Texas

Crago Cattle Co. of Belle Fourche, South Dakota

Jerry or Danelle Griffin of Maysville, Georgia

Dave Hermanson of Mandan, North Dakota

J. T. “Tom” King of Corning, Saskatchewan

Gilbert and/or Zelda Lutter of Redfield, South Dakota

Wayne and Virginia E. Prewett of Cherokee, Oklahoma

Redd Ranches of Monticello, Utah

Mike and Bruce Treffer of Broken Bow, Nebraska

Dwight Ungstad of Ponoka, Alberta

Ward Ranch of Tulare, California

50-Year Cumulative Breeders

Vickie Adams of Collinsville, Texas

Richard D. Alexander of Manchester, Michigan

Grace Berton-Beretta of Sweeden, Kentucky

Pete Bonds of Saginaw, Texas

Jean Chavers of Brighton, Colorado

Jimmy Crowther of Gypsum, Kansas

Michael and Sandra Ellis of Neenah, Wisconsin

Chad G. and/or Verna M. Holland of Dillon, Montana

Richard Joneson of Shawnee, Oklahoma

Mel O. Potter of Marana, Arizona

Richard A. Mecham of Carey, Idaho

Sanferd J. Mees of Bismark, North Dakota

Robert Wayne Newcomb of Oxford, North Carolina

Gary D. or Vickie G. Nussbaum of Chewelah, Washington

Leslie E. Shaw of Greenville, Texas

Brian and Kathy Temple of Wallowa, Oregon

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A Waters of Utopia, Texas

Richard C. Winberg of Aberdeen, Idaho

Wade and/or Linda Zollinger of Oakley, Idaho


75-Year Breeders

Redd Ranches of Monticello, Utah

Sylvan or Barbara Williamson of Eagle, Idaho


AQHA Ranching Heritage Awards

2024 AQHA Best Remuda – Beggs Cattle Company of Fort Worth, Texas

2024 International Best Remuda - Las Tunas Cattle Co. of Chihuahua, Mexico

2024 AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder of the Year – TBD

2024 Top Money-Earning Ranching Heritage Breeder of the Year – WT Waggoner Estate of Vernon, Texas

2025 The American Performance Horseman Breeders - TBD 

If you have questions about the list of breeders, email