Resources for AQHA Affiliates

Resources for Affiliates

Affiliates Round Table session at 2024 AQHA Convention

Request AQHA Promotional Items

Submit a request for pens, pencils, stickers or printed materials for your affiliate.


Request an AQHA Social Post

Share your event information so we can promote it on the AQHA Showing Facebook page!


Request an AQHA Email Blast

Each affiliate can request AQHA to send its behalf one email blast per year to AQHA members within the affiliate area.

cowboy uses mobile phone

map of AQHA regions

Affiliate Advisory Board

REGION 1 Edward McNelis
REGION 2 Debbi Holmes Stockstill
REGION 3 Bill Horton
REGION 4 Bennie Sargent
REGION 5 Jonathan Meilleur
REGION 6 Emily King
REGION 7 Marty Oak Simper
REGION 8 Russell Mueller
REGION 9 Patrick Kayser
REGION 10 Gale Little
REGION 11 Victor Wolf

AQHUniversity: Online Certification Courses

These digital learning tools are great ways to engage affiliate members in unique ways at your events! Offering courses for ring stewards, show stewards and show management.


ring steward and judge at horse show

How Can We Help?

What marketing resources would best benefit growing American Quarter Horse involvement within your affiliate?


Upcoming Events