2017 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo: Recordbreakers
An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy175.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String, long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy175 object "com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.impl.DLFileEntryServiceImpl@46f1a6dd"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign file = fileEntry.getFileEntry... [in template "20116#20152#NEWS" at line 52, column 13] ----
1<#import "aqha-theme_SERVLET_CONTEXT_/templates/base22/freemarker-utils.ftl" as utils>
2<#assign journalArticleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data/>
3<#assign createDate = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data />
4<#assign serviceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext()>
5<#assign themeDisplay = serviceContext.getThemeDisplay() />
6<#assign className = "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" />
7<#-- Start Get Categories -->
8<#assign topicVocabularyId = utils.getVocabularyId("All Topics") />
9<#assign siteVocabularyId = utils.getVocabularyId("All Sites") />
10<#assign isControlPanelInURL = (themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()?index_of("control_panel") gte 0)?then(0, 1) />
12<#assign siteCategoryHTML = "" />
13<#assign topicCategoriesHTML = "" />
15<#-- Validate if the Template is being render in a scope out of Site -->
16<#-- When the template is being render in workflow preview,
17 the classes imported with staticUtil, localService, objectUtil are not avaliable in that scope -->
18<#if isControlPanelInURL == 1>
19 <#--<#assign journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil"]>-->
20 <#assign journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleResourceLocalService") />
21 <#assign articleResourcePK = journalArticleResourceLocalServiceUtil.getArticleResourcePrimKey(groupId, journalArticleId)/>
22 <#assign siteCategoryHTML>
23 <@utils.getCategoryByVocabularyId siteVocabularyId false className articleResourcePK/>
24 </#assign>
25 <#assign topicCategoriesHTML>
26 <@utils.getCategoryByVocabularyId topicVocabularyId false className articleResourcePK/>
27 </#assign>
29<#-- End Get Categories -->
30<#if displayTitle?? && displayTitle.getData() != "">
31 <div class="row b-source-title-container">
32 <div class="b-resource-title col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xl-12">
33 <h2 class="b-h1">${displayTitle.getData()}</h2>
34 <div class="b-subtitles">
35 <span>
36 <#if abstract?? && abstract.getData() != "">
37 ${abstract.getData()}
38 </#if>
39 </span>
40 </div>
41 </div>
42 </div>
45<#if image?? && image.getData() != "">
46<div class="row b-source-image-container">
47 <div class="b-resource-image col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xl-12">
48 <#assign alttext = "" />
49 <#if image.getData()?string?split("/")[5]??>
50 <#assign imgID = image.getData()?string?split("/")[5]?split("?")[0]>
51 <#assign fileEntry = serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryService')>
52 <#assign file=fileEntry.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(imgID, groupId) >
53 <#assign alttext = file.getDescription() />
54 </#if>
55 <#-- Temporal fix to remove versioning issues when use export/import lar files -->
56 <#-- TODO: Remove this temporal fix once the problem has been resolved -->
57 <#-- <img datasrc="${utils.cleanPath(image.getData())}" src="" class="image-responsive lazy-load" /> -->
58 <p><img src="${utils.cleanPath(image.getData())}" datasrc="${utils.cleanPath(image.getData())}" alt="${alttext}" class="image-responsive" /></p>
59 <p class="b-metadata" > ${image.getAttribute("alt")}</p>
60 </div>
63<div class="row">
64 <div class="col-xs-8">
65 <@utils.createLinksForSharing displayTitle.getData() />
66 </div>
67 <div class="col-xs-4">
68 <@utils.createZoomButtons />
69 </div>
71<div class="row">
72 <div class="col-xs-12">
73 <p class="b-metadata">
74 ${createDate?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")?string(("MMMM d, yyyy"))} | ${siteCategoryHTML} | ${topicCategoriesHTML}
75 </p>
76 </div>
80<#if body?? && body.getData() != "">
81<div class="row b-source-summary-container b-zoom-container">
82 <div class="b-resource-summary col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xl-12">
83 <p class="text-line-height-lg">
84 ${body.getData()}
85 </p>
86 <@utils.getAttachment attachment />
87 </div>
90<div class="b-web-component__body">
91 <div class="b-related-items-list">
92 <div class="row">
93 <div class="panel panel-default">
94 <ul class="list-group">
95 <#if isControlPanelInURL == 1><@getRelatedItems /></#if>
96 </ul>
97 </div>
98 </div>
99 </div>
102<#--- Start Macros -->
103<#macro getRelatedItems>
104 <#-- Start Get CategoriesIds -->
105 <#assign classTypeIdsArray = [] />
106 <#-- these values for specific structure ID were obtained dynamically -->
107 <#-- by accessing the developer console in the web browser while logged into -->
108 <#-- the portal and choosing these structures within an asset publisher configuration -->
109 <#assign structureCode1 = 83902 />
110 <#assign structureCode2 = 83707 />
111 <#assign classTypeIdsArray = classTypeIdsArray + [getterUtil.getLong(structureCode1)] />
112 <#assign classTypeIdsArray = classTypeIdsArray + [getterUtil.getLong(structureCode2)] />
113 <#assign categoriesIdsArray = [] />
114 <#assign categoriesIds = utils.getCategoriesIdsByVocabularyId(topicVocabularyId, className, articleResourcePK) />
115 <#list categoriesIds as categoryId>
116 <#assign categoriesIdsArray = categoriesIdsArray + [getterUtil.getLong(categoryId)] />
117 </#list>
118 <#-- End Get CategoriesIds -->
119 <#assign assetEntryQueryService = objectUtil('com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil') />
120 <#assign assetEntryQuery = objectUtil('com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.persistence.AssetEntryQuery') />
121 <#assign setStartEntries = assetEntryQuery.setStart(0) />
122 <#assign setEndEntries = assetEntryQuery.setEnd(6) />
123 <#assign orderedEntries = assetEntryQuery.setOrderByCol1("DisplayDate") />
124 <#assign searchQuery = assetEntryQuery.setAnyCategoryIds(categoriesIdsArray) />
125 <#assign setclassname = assetEntryQuery.setClassTypeIds(classTypeIdsArray) />
126 <#assign entries = assetEntryQueryService.getEntries(assetEntryQuery) />
127 <#if entries?has_content>
128 <#list entries as entry>
129 <#if entry.getAssetRenderer()?? && categoriesIdsArray?size gt 0>
130 <#assign renderer = entry.getAssetRenderer()>
131 <#assign relatedClassName = renderer.getClassName() >
132 <#assign relatedClassPK = renderer.getClassPK() />
133 <#if relatedClassName == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" >
134 <#assign journalArticle = renderer.getArticle() >
135 <#assign document = saxReaderUtil.read(journalArticle. getContentByLocale(locale)) >
136 <#-- Start build entryViewURL -->
137 <#-- Build the url dinamicaly because we don't have exposed the Asset Publisher Helper,
138 Render Request, Render Response variables as the ADT Template -->
139 <#assign splittedURL = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()?split("/") />
140 <#assign layout = themeDisplay.getLayout() />
141 <#assign pageGroup = layout.getGroup() />
142 <#assign siteDefaultURL = htmlUtil.escape(pageGroup.getDisplayURL(themeDisplay, false)) />
143 <#assign entryViewURL = siteDefaultURL+"/-/"+renderer.getUrlTitle() />
144 <#-- Try this approach once we got a way to get a PortletResponse/renderResponse object -->
145 <#--<#assign entryViewURL = entry.getAssetRenderer().getURLViewInContext(httpServletRequest, portal.getLiferayPortletResponse(themeDisplay.getResponse())) />-->
146 <#-- End build entryViewURL -->
147 <#assign entryTitle = entry.getTitle(locale) />
148 <#assign entryThumbnail = document.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='image']") />
149 <#assign relatedTopicVocabularyId = utils.getVocabularyId("All Topics") />
151 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 padding-top-md">
152 <li class="b-related-item">
153 <div class="b-web-component b-web-component--border">
154 <a href="${entryViewURL}">
155 <#-- Temporal fix to remove versioning issues when use export/import lar files -->
156 <#-- TODO: Remove this temporal fix once the problem has been resolved -->
157 <div class="b-related-item__image lazy-load" datasrc="${utils.cleanPath(entryThumbnail?trim)}"></div>
158 </a>
159 <div class="padding-sides padding-top-sm b-news-and-blogs__card-right-date">
160 ${entry.getPublishDate()?date?string["MMM dd, yyyy"]} |<@utils.getCategoryByVocabularyId relatedTopicVocabularyId false relatedClassName relatedClassPK 3/>
161 </div>
162 <div class="padding-sides padding-top-sm padding-bottom-sm b-related-item__title">
163 <a class="b-related-item__link" href="${entryViewURL}"><@utils.cutStringByCharacters entryTitle 200 /></a>
164 </div>
165 </div>
166 </li>
167 </div>
168 </#if>
169 </#if>
170 </#list>
171 </#if>
173<#--- End Macros -->