Horseshoe Indianapolis
Horseshoe Indianapolis
Horseshoe Indianapolis will conduct a 123-date race meet in 2023. The meet will include six all-Quarter Horse dates. PHOTO: Coady Photography.
December 7, 2022 | Racing , Racing | Racing , Racing
The Indiana Horse Racing Commission has approved Horseshoe Indianapolis' 2023 race dates.
At its meeting December 1 at Harrah's Hoosier Park in Anderson, the IHRC approved a 123-date season for Horseshoe Indianapolis. The meet will start April 18 and run through November 17, and it will include six all-Quarter Horse dates. One of the biggest changes for 2023 is the addition of several Saturday dates from June 3-September 2. Five of those dates are allotted for Quarter Horse racing with a first post time of 10:45 a.m. (EDT). Five dates in this time frame will offer Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racing with a first post of 5:30 p.m., while two dates, July 8 and August 26, will have an earlier post time of 12 p.m.
“With the added Saturday dates, we will be able to offer retail customers the opportunity to come out and enjoy racing during the summer,” said Horseshoe Indianapolis vice president and general manager of racing Eric Halstrom. “We have inserted ourselves into the national weekly racing calendar and found a great fit for our product. Now, we hope to begin the process to establish ourselves during the weekend when racing activity escalates and is a more competitive market. We feel our program has grown enough over the past few years to allot us the opportunity to work for the weekend audiences.”
The general racing calendar will begin with a Monday-through-Thursday schedule, with Monday racing dropped during the summer to accommodate Saturday racing. In September, the schedule will go back to the original format of Monday-through-Thursday.
Horseshoe Indianapolis will also conduct live racing on three holidays during the meet: Monday, May 29 for Memorial Day, Tuesday, July 4 for Independence Day, and Saturday, September 2 for Labor Day.
For more information, visit Horseshoe Indianapolis' website.
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