AQHA Horseback Riding Program: 5,000 Hour Awards

Congratulations to the Quarter Horse division Horseback Riding Program participants who have completed 5,000-hours.

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Amy Grainger & Boggies Flashy Rip

Boggies Flashy Rip, aka Babe, is a talented bay mare. She has taken me to many AQHA wins, earning points in Ranch Horse Versatility, Ranch Riding and Reining. She has earned her Performance ROM. She has also shown talent on the trails, both in Canada and Arizona. Prairies, river valleys, deserts or mountains, she does them all. One of my proudest memories was when we were trotting through the desert, just the two of us, and she hit a soft spot that caused her to fall. I had let go of everything, concentrating on rolling safely away and avoiding cacti. When she got up, she calmly stood, waiting for me to catch my wind and get up. Fortunately, we were both fine and we continued our ride. We are slowly becoming senior citizens together and plans now are to show occasionally at open shows and do more trail riding. In a few years our grandson will be able to borrow an awesome youth horse!