
The trail class tests the maneuverability of an American Quarter Horse through an obstacle course. Mandatory obstacles include one in which the rider will open, pass through and close a gate. Scoring is based on the horse’s willingness, ease and grace in negotiating the course. The other two mandatory obstacles are riding over at least four logs or poles and one backing obstacle.

Publicador de Conteúdos e Mídias

May 14, 2020 | Showing , Training
How to build a trail bridge and train your horse to safely cross it.
March 12, 2020 | News and Publications , The American Quarter Horse Journal
Use these tips from AQHA Professional Horsemen Cynthia Cantleberry and Brent Maxwell to prepare for this obstacle in trail classes.

Publicador de Conteúdos e Mídias

October 03, 2022 | News and Publications , The American Quarter Horse Journal
Use these tips from AQHA Professional Horsemen Robin Frid and Tim Kimura to prepare your horse for the sidepass.
July 14, 2022 | News and Publications , Hunter Under Saddle
Ready to dive into the exciting world of horse showing? Here are some important terms you need to know.
May 04, 2022 | Showing , Training
Get expert tips from AQHA Professional Horseman David Busick to correctly maneuver a walkover.

Publicador de Conteúdos e Mídias

April 23, 2020 | News and Publications , Western
The beautiful sorrel mare Chips Private Stars knew she was a princess of trail.
April 21, 2020 | News and Publications , The American Quarter Horse Journal
The bay roan gelding made one family's dreams come true.
April 09, 2020 | News and Publications , Western
This bay gelding excelled at trail for two decades.
March 19, 2020 | News and Publications , The American Quarter Horse Journal
Credits For Heaven earned close to 4,000 points in his show career.
March 13, 2020 | News and Publications , World shows
The American Quarter Horse Some Hot Potential helps dreams come true in the AQHA show ring for his amateur and open riders.