AQHA International Educational Marketplace

AQHA International Educational Marketplace

This opportunity was designed to grow our American Quarter Horse industry worldwide!

The AQHA International Educational Marketplace, formerly known as AQHA International Horsemanship Camps, is one of the longest-running AQHA International programs.

This international program provides educational grants to countries around the globe to implement educational clinics and seminars led by AQHA Professional Horsemen, AQHA judges, industry professionals and university equine programs.

The AQHA International Department is hopeful that you will take advantage of this opportunity to host an educational clinic in your country. This opportunity was designed to grow our American Quarter Horse industry around the globe!


How It Works

Seminar hosts will have the opportunity to tailor the content of the seminar based on participant skill, type of seminar and desired equine topics. Clinics can be in-person, virtual or hybrid. 

Grants range from $2,500-$5,000 per seminar. Grant funding is provided on a reimbursement basis. Upon completion of the event, the seminar host needs to submit a request for reimbursement for up to the approved amount to AQHA. If selected, additional criteria will be outlined in the grant agreement.

If covering the upfront costs for the clinic is a hardship for the applicant, please include a justification for AQHA to cover the upfront costs of the event.

AQHA International will provide a comprehensive portfolio of vetted AQHA Professional Horsemen, AQHA judges, industry professionals and university equine potential partners to grant recipients.

Grant funding is subject to affiliate/organization executing a grant agreement.


Application Timeline

AQHA International Educational Marketplace applications will be accepted from August 1 - October 15 each year. 


How to Apply

Complete the online application: AQHA International Educational Marketplace Application 


Contact AQHA International

AQHA International