Resources for Show Managers
Resources for Show Managers
Find all the forms, guidelines and other information to help manage your AQHA show. AQHA answering service outside of normal business hours (833) 360-AQHA (2742).
Q-Ribbon, AQHA's Show Management Newsletter
Animal Welfare and Equipment Rules
Judges, Professional Horsemen and Show Stewards
Show Approvals and Results
- AQHA Certified Show Management
- AQHA Member Suspension List
- AQHA Show Management Guidelines
- Dressage Information
- FunnWare Networking
- Show Approval Event Totals
- NSBA Event Application
- Priority Date Calendar
- Patterns
- Show Result Upload Instructions
- Show Results Validation and Upload Instructions
- Show Leases Currently On File
- Top 10 Circuits
- Versatility Ranch Horse Shows Information
- RHC Horse Enrollment Status
Virtual On-Site Services include:
- Members can only submit transfers for horses competing in these shows to the show office.
- Members sign an affidavit stating they are submitting the most original, current certificate and acknowledge that they could potentially forfeit any points earned with the horse if the submitted paperwork does not satisfy AQHA rules when the originals are received at Headquarters.
- Show office staff scans the work and affidavit and emails to AQHA contact.
- Tate Lewis (
- Work must include credit card number, including $100 rush fee per horse.
- AQHA staff completes the transfer and emails the “Office Copy” certificate to the show office.
- At the completion of the show, office staff sends the original paperwork to AQHA.
- Attn: Tate Lewis
- Original paperwork is reviewed to ensure compliance.
New certificates are then mailed to new owners.