Competitions and Contests

Learn more about opportunities to compete in AQHYA events with your American Quarter Horse.

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AQHYA World Championship Show

The AQHYA World Championship Show is for youth exhibitors 18 and under as of January 1 of that year.

The AQHYA World Championship Show is the world’s largest, single-breed world championship horse show open exclusively to youth exhibitors 18 years and younger.

AQHYA World Championship Show Contests

AQHYA members can compete in a variety of contests at the AQHYA World Championship Show.

From public speaking to art and everything in between, there's a competition for you at the AQHYA World Championship Show.

Youth World Cup

The American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup is an educational, leadership and competition-based event for AQHA youth members from around the world.

This international event is hosted every two years by a different country. This event hosts teams from 16 nations around the world!

Horse Judging

Join the educational and fun experience of judging horses with AQHYA.

Horseback Riding Program

The AQHA Horseback Riding Program rewards participants with great prizes.

This program allows AQHA to reward youth members who simply enjoy riding, whether they own a horse, lease a horse or take lessons.
February 12, 2025 | News and Publications American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA)
AQHYA challenges youth members to join Our Mission: Powering Up at the 2025 Youth Excellence Seminar, slated for July 8-10, in Amarillo!
February 06, 2025 | News and Publications American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA)
January 15, 2025 | News and Publications American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA)
January 07, 2025 | AQHA Services Ranching
December 19, 2024 | News and Publications American Quarter Horse Foundation scholarship program

January 24, 2018

Youth You Hold My Heart

Learn more about joining AQHA, the world's largest equine breed registry and a community of family and friends who love the American Quarter Horse. Visit www.aqha.com/join today.

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